Patristic Publishing التطبيقات

The Ethiopian Synaxarium 1
Patristic Publishing
The Ethiopian Synaxarium
Spurgeon's Verse Expositions o 1.21
Patristic Publishing
Spurgeon's Verse Expositions of the Bible (Trial)
Council of Trent Catechism 1.2
Patristic Publishing
The Catechism of the Council of Trent (Trial Version)
The Works of St. Augustine 1.02
Patristic Publishing
The complete works of St. Augustine
Preacher's Complete Homiletica 1.21
Patristic Publishing
Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary (Trial Version)
Le Combat Spirituel (Scupoli) 1.06
Patristic Publishing
The Spiritual Warfare of Lorenzo Scupoli.
Diary of St. Maria Faustina Kowalska with audio 1.22
St. Maria Faustina Kowalska (1905–1938) of the BlessedSacrament,was a Polish Roman Catholic nun and mystic. Herapparitions ofJesus Christ inspired the Roman Catholic devotion tothe DivineMercy and earned her the title of "Secretary of DivineMercy". Allthrough her life, Kowalska reported having visions ofJesus andconversations with him, which she wrote in her diary,published asThe Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska: DivineMercy in MySoul. Her biography, submitted to the Congregation forthe Causesof Saints, quoted some of these conversations with Jesusregardingthe Divine Mercy devotion. At the age of 20 years, shejoined aconvent in Warsaw, was transferred to Płock, and was latermoved toVilnius where she met her confessor Fr. Michał Sopoćko,whosupported her devotion to the Divine Mercy. Kowalska andSopoćkodirected an artist to paint the first Divine Mercy image,based onKowalska's vision of Jesus. Sopoćko used the image incelebratingthe first Mass on the first Sunday after Easter.Subsequently, PopeJohn Paul II established the Feast of DivineMercy on that Sundayof each liturgical year. Kowalska was canonizedas a saint on 30April 2000. The mystic is classified in the liturgyas a virgin andis venerated within the church as the "Apostle ofDivine Mercy".Her tomb is in Divine Mercy Sanctuary,Kraków-Łagiewniki, where shespent the end of her life and metconfessor Józef Andrasz who alsosupported the message of mercy.
Counsels of Perfection for Chr 1
Patristic Publishing
Counsels of Perfection for Christian Mothers (Trial Version) Fr. P.Lejeune
The Divine Comedy of Dante (audiobook)
Patristic Publishing
The Divine Comedy of Dante (audiobook)
The Book of Enoch (R. H. Charles) 1.02
The Book of Enoch is an ancient Jewish apocalyptic religioustext(300 - 200 BC), ascribed to Enoch, the great-grandfather ofNoah.Enoch explains the origins of demons and giants, why someangelsfell from heaven, why the Great Flood was morally necessary,and itgives a prophetic exposition of the thousand-year reign oftheMessiah. Various Aramaic fragments have been found in the DeadSeaScrolls. There are also Koine Greek and Latin fragments whichprovethat The Book of Enoch was known to early Jews andChristians.Enoch was also quoted by some 1st and 2nd centuryauthors as in theTestaments of the Twelve Patriarchs. Authors ofthe New Testamentwere also familiar with some content of the story.A short sectionof Enoch is cited in the New Testament in theEpistle of Jude(1:14–15). Several copies of the earlier sections ofEnoch werepreserved among the Dead Sea Scrolls. It is not part ofthebiblical canon used by Jews, with the exception of EthiopianJews.Most Christian denominations and traditions may accept theBooks ofEnoch as having some historical or theological interest.Only theEthiopian/Eritrean Orthodox Church number the book amongtheir OldTestament scriptures. Enoch is wholly extant only in theEthiopianGe'ez language. This app version has updated some of thelanguageof the original English translation and is illustrated.
Explanation Of The Holy Mass ( 1.03
Patristic Publishing
Explanation Of The Holy Mass (Fr. Dom Guéranger)
Keil & Delitzsch Commentary on 1.12
Patristic Publishing
Keil & Delitzsch's Commentary on the Old Testament (TrialVersion)
The Book of Enoch (audiobook) 1
Patristic Publishing
The Book of Enoch, is an ancient Jewish work thought to have beenoriginally composed by Enoch, the grandfather of Noah. Estimatesvary on the actual date it was written. Fragments of the text, werefound in the Qumran caves in 1948. Enoch, was of the 7th generationfrom Adam and prophesied about the judgments on mankind. Enoch sayshis words were not for his generation but for a coming "generationof elect and righteous people," far in the future who would live inthe day of tribulation when all the wicked and godless are takenaway." He compiled his visions and prophecies into a book ofparables and passed these secrets on to Noah (Enoch 68:1). Amongthe many secrets passed down, Enoch gives a more detailed accountof the relationship between the fallen angels (known as thewatchers) and the daughters of men in Genesis 6:2-4. He alsoreveals the secrets of the luminaries and the weather and ends witha prophesy about the condition of mankind. The book of Enoch isincluded in the Ethiopian Orthodox Bible and is quoted by Jude inthe New Testament. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Text from TheApocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament. (1913)Translated by R. H. Charles (d. 1931) Other audiobook Bible titles:The Book of Tobit 1 & 2 Maccabees Sirach The Book of Judith
The Works of Thomas Aquinas 1.23
Patristic Publishing
The Complete Works of Thomas Aquinas (linked to the Bible)
Cyril's Commentary on St. Luke 1.11
Patristic Publishing
Cyril of Alexandria's Commentary on the Gospel of St. Luke
Interlinear Koine Greek / English Bible 1.05
Patristic Publishing
Interlinear Koine Greek / English Septuagint and New TestamentwithStrong definitions and concordance.
The Works of Origen (Trial) 1
Patristic Publishing
The Complete Works of Origen (Trial Version)
Select Works of Origen 1.1
Patristic Publishing
Select Writings of Origen
The Rule of St. Benedict 1.01
Patristic Publishing
The Holy Rule of St. Benedict linked to the Bible
L'Imitation de Jésus-Christ (Version d'essai) 1.15
Patristic Publishing
L'Imitation de Jésus-Christ est une œuvre anonyme depiétéchrétienne, écrite en latin à la fin du XIVe siècle ou audébut duXVe siècle. On estime habituellement que son auteur estThomas aKempis. Il s'agit du livre le plus imprimé au monde aprèsla Bibleet, selon Yann Sordet, de « l'un des plus grands succèsdelibrairie que l'Europe ait connus de la fin du Moyen Âge audébutde l'ère contemporaine. » Le texte est divisé en quatreparties:Livre I Avertissements utiles à la vie spirituelle(Admonitiones advitam spiritualem utiles) : 25 chapitres; Livre IIAvertissementsentraînant à la vie intérieure (Admonitiones adinterna trahentes): 12 chapitres; Livre III De la consolationintérieure (De internaconsolatione) : 59 chapitres; Livre IVExhortation à la saintecommunion (De sacramento) : 18 chapitres.
The Book of Enoch (R. H. Charl 1.02
Patristic Publishing
The Book of Enoch (R. H. Charles) with illustrations - TrialVersion
E.W. Bullinger's Companion Bib 1.02
Patristic Publishing
E.W. Bullinger's Companion Bible Notes (Trial)
Ellicott's Commentary for Engl 1.11
Patristic Publishing
Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers
Counsels of Perfection for Chr 1
Patristic Publishing
Counsels of Perfection for Christian Mothers (Fr. P. Lejeune)
Parallel Latin/English Vulgate 1.05
Patristic Publishing
Parallel Latin/English Vulgate with Latin definitions for eachword.
Suma Teológica (Tomás de Aquin 1.03
Patristic Publishing
Sum Theological (Saint Thomas Aquinas) Trial version
A Greek-English Lexicon (LSJ) 1.15
Patristic Publishing
A Greek-English Lexicon (LSJ)
John Calvin's Commentary on th 1.02
Patristic Publishing
John Calvin's Commentary on the Bible
Lange's Commentary on the Holy 1.02
Patristic Publishing
Lange's Commentary on the Holy Scriptures (Trial Version)
An Intermediate Greek-English 1
Patristic Publishing
An Intermediate Greek-English Lexicon (a condensed LSJ)
Little office of the Blessed V 1
Patristic Publishing
The Little office of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Trial Version)
The Book of Enoch (audiobook) 1
Patristic Publishing
The Book of Enoch (audiobook) - R. H. Charles
Padres Apostólicos (Versión de 1.02
Patristic Publishing
Apostolic Fathers - complete work (Trial version)
The Biblical Commentary of Cor 1
Patristic Publishing
The Great Biblical Commentary of Cornelius a Lapide (Trial Version)
Matthew Henry's BIble Commenta 1.13
Patristic Publishing
Matthew Henry's BIble Commentary (Trial Version)
The Complete Works of St. John 1
Patristic Publishing
The Complete Works of St. John Chrysostom (Trial Version)
The Explanation of the Apocaly 1.02
Patristic Publishing
The Explanation of the Apocalypse (Ven. Bede)
E.W. Bullinger's Companion Bib 1.05
Patristic Publishing
E.W. Bullinger's Companion Bible Notes
The Works of Thomas Aquinas 1.23
Patristic Publishing
The Complete Works of Thomas Aquinas (Trial Version)
Purgatory: illustrated by the 1.01
Patristic Publishing
Purgatory : illustrated by the lives and legends of the saints(Trial Version)
The Works of John Chrysostom 1.04
Patristic Publishing
The complete works of John Chrysostom in an easy to navigate appform.
La Noche oscura Juan de la Cru 1.03
Patristic Publishing
The Dark Night - Juan de la Cruz (Trial version)
Orthodox Daily Prayers (from the OCA) 1.1
Patristic Publishing
The prayers of the Eastern Orthodox Church as compiled bytheOrthodox Church of America (OCA). The following prayersareincluded: 1. Morning Prayers 2. Commemoration of the Living andtheDead 3. Prayers at the Table 4. The Order of Compline 5.PrayersBefore Sleep 6. The Three Canons - Canon in Preparation forHolyCommunion - Prayers in Preparation for Holy Communion - PrayersforThanksgiving After Communion
The Spiritual Combat - Fr. D.L 1.01
Patristic Publishing
The Spiritual Combat - Fr. D.L. Scupoli (Trial Version)
Companion Bible Notes of E.W. 1
Patristic Publishing
Companion Bible Notes of E.W. Bullinger (Trial Version)
Tratado de la Verdadera Devoci 1
Patristic Publishing
Treaty of the True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin
A Greek-English Lexicon (LSJ) 1.15
Patristic Publishing
A Greek-English Lexicon (LSJ) Trial Version
Parallel Latin / English Cleme 1
Patristic Publishing
Parallel Latin / English Clementine Vulgate with DictionaryDefinitions (Trial)
Bíblia Grega / Hebreus Interli 1.11
Patristic Publishing
Bible Greek / Hebrew Interlinear
Interlineare Deutsch / Griechische Bibel 1.11
Patristic Publishing
Eine interlineare deutsch - griechische Bibel mit MorphologieundWortnummerierung. Jedes Wort kann berührt werden, umeinegriechische Wörterbuchdefinition hervorzubringen. DieSchriftgrößekann mit der Menge der angezeigten Informationengeändert werden.